Ustadz Adi Hidayat First Ever Sydney Tour


​Alhamdulillah (all praise is due to Allah) it was a great honor for us, IQRO Foundation, to be given amanah (trust) to hold a fundraiser for a mosque in New Zealand (Masjid Utsman) with Ustadz Adi Hidayat as the speaker. The event was held at The Korean Society of Sydney on the 23rd of February 2019. Up to more than 500 people have registered and turned up in this event.


There was also food bazar for the guests to enjoy while in waiting for the main event to start. Though unfortunately, due to the building regulation, no food is allowed to be present inside the hall.


This event was opened by the opening speeches from the presidents from both organizations (IQRO Foundation and Masjid Utsman) and a performance from TPA Salsabila.


Ustadz Adi Hidayat gave a very practical lecture with good humour to emphasise his points. He talked about how the studies of fiqh evolve since its originating time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎

Towards the end of the event, by Allah's permission, we raised up to $65,000. Allahu akbar!! Every dollar raised goes to development of Masjid Utsman New Zealand.

During the closing session of his lecture, he presented some tips to memorize the Qur'an according to At Taisir method. And finally, he closed the event with a very heart-touching and emotional du'a.

Photos of this event can be viewed at our Facebook Page here:


This recorded event can be viewed online at our YouTube channel:

Part 1:

Part 2:​