Simus January 2019

Simus (Silaturahim Muslimah) is one of the main programs of iQro sisterhood that aims to maintain silaturahim and ukhuwah, as well as to share information and knowledge among sisters.

The first edition of Simus for 2019 was held on 24th January, having the title of ‘Sharing Diabetes’. It took place at the residential of sis Syarifah Tanjung (Sis T.J.) in Macquarie Fields. Around ten people attended on that day.

After thirty minutes of awaiting the audiences coming, the program started at 11.30 am. The speech was delivered by the experts in diabetes: sis T.J. and sis Oppie. They talked about

what diabetes is, the causes, the short history, the type, the risks to health, and how to manage it. The content was delivered clearly and easy to understand for those who have diverse background. There was also Q&A session. The audiences received plenty of new knowledge in diabetes as take-home lessons.

As the session finished, the audiences enjoyed various food provided by the host, as well as one created by the guest as special potluck menu. Some of them were roti unyil, rujak, martabak, ikan asam padeh, fried fish, dabu-dabu chilli sauce, sour soup, pempek, etc. What a menu!

Those who attended on that day thanks to Allah SWT for receiving many things: silaturahim, ukhuwah, healthness, new knowledge and (surely) yummy food. Maa shaa Allah, Tabarakallah.Can’t wait to join the next Simus! [MW]