It’s Time for Our Youth to Shine

May 9, 2015 is a historical day for the youth of IQRO Foundation. It is the day where IQRO Foundation launched IQRO YES (Youth and Education Section), a branch organisation that is run by and cater for the youth. The new revamped sub-structure will be able to accommodate more youth to make contributions. IQRO YES is specifically established to meet the need of the youth, which is to develop their organizational skills in the Quranic environment. Muhammad Nur, the President of IQRO Foundation, emphasized the important role youth play in the community; hence it is essential that we start building their organisational skills from an early stage.

The event began with an opening speech by the president of IQRO Foundation. He talked us through how he had come from a small city in Central Java (Semarang). He has the desire to become better and better by the day. With great perseverance, he is able to be at the position where he is now. He then passed on the message to the youth that they can become a much better person than he is. The youth who were born in Australia has better access to knowledge and plenty of opportunities. They can be whatever they wanted to be, but they should not forget about the values that a Muslim should hold firm in their heart.

"The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind" [Daraqutni, Hasan]. The content of the hadith is clear that the best people are those who bring most benefit. IQRO YES will serve as an avenue for the youth to practice their organisational skills and contribute to the community at the same time. In the IQRO YES structure there are two vice presidents (male and female), a secretary, a treasurer, public relation and publication team, and five divisions. The five divisions are: Da’wah, Sports and Leisure, Education, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, and Arts and Multimedia. Those divisions are expected to meet the needs of the youth to realise their full potential. 

Towards the end, Mr. Nur led the recruitment session by asking the youth on the spot which department they would like to join that suits their interest. In that moment we can see the real spirit and enthusiasm sparked by the youth; ready to contribute their time, skills, and effort in the way of Allah.

The event was closed with barbecue party and networking session.

The grand launching of IQRO YES is a major milestone for the youth. May they always be under Allah’s guidance to bring more benefits to the community and inspire the younger boys and girls to follow in their footsteps.

How can I join IQRO YES?

If you are in Year 10 or up, and interested in developing yourself and at the same time contributing to the community, let us know what your interests are to

Written by Dita Augystiana.


IQRO Foundation is a non-profit organisation with a vision to develop a solid community by applying and promoting comprehensive Islamic values to the Australian community. The organisation, which was established in 2000, have provided excellent social services to the community to enhance their knowledge and skills through various events and activities; and also serves as a platform to enable them to contribute back. Like us on Facebook to receive updates on our upcoming events or visit for more information.